Costs and Aid

All costs are approxiamte and subject to change
- Tuition $46.00/unit Total of 5 units -Total $230.00
- Health Fee - $23.00 starting Fall 2023, cost will be increased to $26.00
- Semester Parking Fee - $48.00
- Books - $300.00
- CPR Class Provider Level CPR/First Aid By AHA - $200.00
Course Listing - MA 109 Health Information Technology
- MA 110 Medical Office Microcomputer Management Applications
- HLSC 115 Medical Terminology
Financial Aid
You may use your financial aid awards to help pay for the costs of the program. However, sometimes program fees are due BEFORE you receive your financial aid award disbursement. You will still be responsible for paying the fees, but will be reimbursed once you receive your financial aid disbursement.
For questions and to apply for financial aid, visit the Financial Aid Office.